Drink Morning | Video Ads

Being a newer brand in the saturated market, DrinkMorning wanted help in spreading more awareness of their first-of-its-kind machine for coffee pods. With a limited market share mainly dominated by an established brand, Morning had to highlight what benefits it could bring to coffee drinkers that other brands couldn't.

Kaliber helped highlight these benefits via multiple series of stunning creatives in the form of single images, carousels, and GIFs to short videos. Constant testing and reiteration of visuals, copies, and ad types, as well as the angle of product-focused or lifestyle with human element-focused, were also done to produce the best creatives that appeal to different audiences in different funnels and countries.

We showcased the convenience of the machine's dial features and the deeply customizable brews on the Morning App, conveying how coffee can still be enjoyed conveniently without sacrificing quality. To further address this pain point, Kaliber also animated a video showing the individual features of the machine as well as the mechanism that allows for quality coffee to be produced.

Kaliber also shared how convenient it is to get quality coffee pods from the best roasters in the world with Morning Marketplace. Customers can choose from the individual selection of coffee beans or get curated sets. And as the Morning machine is specially engineered to extract the full flavors, Morning's customers don't have to worry about not getting the whole experience of these premium coffee beans.

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