Dubai- City within a circle

Oh my gosh, you won't believe how long I've been itching to create this masterpiece! I mean, seriously, ever since I stumbled upon those captivating city illustrations, a light bulb went off in my head. And guess what? The city I've been calling home for the past eight months just clicked as my ultimate inspiration! It's like I morphed into this curious tourist, capturing every iconic spot and soaking in the genuine vibe of this place. Let me tell you, this creative journey has been an absolute blast! I've poured my heart and soul into this artwork, and I can't wait to spill the beans on all the details.

Software used-

Cinema 4D for modelling and animations

Octane- Rendering

Capcut- Video editor for audio

Different lighting experiment


Let me take you on a behind-the-scenes journey of my creative process, where imagination and craftsmanship collided to bring my Dubai artwork to life. It all started with a humble sketch, fueled by my fascination with 2D city illustrations of Dubai. I carefully curated my references and began laying out the architectural elements, envisioning the grand picture in my mind. With blueprints as my guide, I meticulously modeled each architectural miniature, pouring days of dedication into crafting an exquisite collection. But the true magic was in the animation. From the very beginning, I wanted this artwork to unfold before your eyes, an unveiling of Dubai's opulence. To capture the city's renowned luxury, I dived into the world of textures, experimenting with a plethora of gold and other metals. It was a thrilling challenge to master the interplay of shadows, lights, and reflections, but the end result? Pure magic! I am absolutely thrilled with how this unveiling artwork has blossomed into a mesmerizing tribute to Dubai's splendor.


Let me know what you think. Your feedback will be invaluable to me!

Thank you!

Shweta Hegde
Welcome to my design portfolio on Dribbble

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