CRIMES EXEMPLARES - identity and product design

This was a transmedia academic project to create an editorial object from a book. "Crimes Exemplares", by Max Aub is a literary work that doesn't fit into just one category, the book consists of various small texts that report various crimes with the main perpetrator telling who and why they commit the act of murder.

We decided to create a card "game" with visuals inspired by tarot cards. Each story featured a distinct and unforgettable character: the murderer. With their names and vivid imagery in mind, we envisioned unique figures and incorporated relevant objects from the scenes to craft our intricate cards.

To illustrate the verse of the cards, we chose to use the eyes of the people who were photographed as murderers. The player would pick a card based on the impact of the killer's eyes, using the analogy of the "third eye", which refers to the mystical aspect of the tarot.

As a kind of mystical game, the player distributes the cards face down on the table and chooses the one that strikes them the most. The character is revealed when the card is turned over. Using the number in the card, the player needs to look in the book for the confession corresponding to the card. Revealing how their death will be.

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