"TODOS JUNTOS" - children's book illustration & book design

The book “Todos Juntos” tells the story of Rafael's first day in school, a little boy with down syndrome, who has his own characteristics, just like every other kid.

The book is also a pedagogical tool to talk about important subjects with children. A tool to talk about how everyone is different in their own way, in physical appearance, difficulties, need for support, and others.

As the illustrator and book designer of this project, my goal was to create an inclusive and accessible book for all readers, including the protagonist who has visual impairment. To achieve this, I carefully designed the book with plain backgrounds, visually distinct characters, and easily readable text.

In consideration of individuals with neurodivergencies that may experience visual overstimulation, I intentionally chose a reduced color palette to ensure a comfortable reading experience for them.

In terms of character illustrations and page composition, my goal was to create a style that would captivate both children and adults. Although the book is primarily intended for infants, its subject matter is also interesting and suitable for all ages and it has the potential to appeal to older individuals who experience it through their children.

That way, even with it's simplicity, of both the elements and collor on the pages, I ensured that the book remained interesting by incorporating changes in perspective and unpredictability in visual arrangement. This combination of factors enhances the overall appeal and keeps the readers engaged.

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