Honest Blog

My college final major project within the theme of paper. I decided to curate a magazine targeted at helping students (soon to be/current/recently graduated) that are in my position of trying to get yourself out there.

It includes interviews with some of my favourite creatives, advice from past students, a feature on how to get yourself out there by using social networking positively, an interiors spread based on sprucing up your University bedroom and much more!

All layouts were designed by myself, as was the front cover which was created by merging images of students from my College. Illustrations and images were taken by me too, unless stated otherwise.

This is a 36 page magazine printed professionally by Park Communications. It was featured on It's Nice That's and Stack Magazine websites, as well as being voted July's winning cover against other well known independent magazines!

There are a few images here of my magazine set up at my end of college exhibition. I finished college obtaining the grade D*D*D*: http://www.bethanyannbaker.co.uk/post/94181279715/my-college-final-major-project-within-the-theme-of

You can read Honest Blog here: http://issuu.com/bethanyannbaker/docs/magazine_online_version_single_page

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