Playback: The web3 video toolkit

Hello, dear friends! Today I want to share with you the concept of the home page of the video platform. This will be a series of several shots, so stay tuned for more!

Playback is a protocol for developers who want to add live or on-demand video to their project.

The homepage concept provides a quick and accessible way to access the product’s main features. That is, if you are a beginner and need help figuring out where to start, this screen will help you take the first steps in using and getting to know the product. If we talk about more advanced users with analytics and uploaded and created assets, they are offered a way to go to the analytics page. In this way, the home page focuses on the product’s main features with the ability to quickly go to the analytics page if you already have experience with the product and get started if you are a beginner.

If you're interested in working together – fill out my quick form to discuss a design project.

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