'Redesign the Box' | A Minimalistic Critique of Modern (AI) Art


Modern design is an ever-evolving profession, continually being pulled around by the new requirements of this world. The incredibly high pace at which design has to keep changing to meet the demands of its beneficiaries can sometimes lead to an endless circle of 'entrepreneurs' selling each other grandiloquent ideas and concepts that never make any impact.

AI, with its influence on art and design, has the possibility to change this for the better, or greatly increase this potential issue.

When asked to design a poster, AI such as ChatGPT or Bing AI will, in their current state, tell you they can not design a poster for you. However, they will offer you some elementary guidance, fashioning the perfect average poster one would create if they were to combine every piece of poster-creating internet-advice ever written. As such is the way of AI chatbots as they stand.

Instead of taking this guidance, and using the different tips to produce a poster about a subject, this project is created from the idea of using the guidance itself as the subject of the poster. Thereby erasing any potential bigger concept or reason from the design, which, in and of itself, creates a meaning.

Add to this some inconsequential crediting and branding, as well as mock-ups that, if anything, just distract from the design itself, and you end up with an awfully ironic mirror that the design world, as well as designers (including myself) could look into to see change.

Setting aside the ostentatious paragraphs, this brief project was primarily intended for myself to ponder over design and its significance. I cherish the profession and this is not a targeted critique at anyone or anything in particular.

Thank you for reading,

Dennis, ChatGPT, Bing AI

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