SkiipeApp Graphic Designs

Skiipe is a Social E-commerce startup that launched an app that connects people to merchants across their locations. My roles as their visual designer was to work with the founders to understand and interpret their vision for the app into high quality visual communication materials that communicate the companies goals and objectives.

The company already had it's logo and color choices, therefore I ensured I followed the color scheme while a bit of my own ideas to it.

Product Launch Designs

My first task was to develop visuals for the product launch on Google Play Store and Apples App Store.

App Store Banner Design

App Store Feature Banners

Product Video

Logo Animation

Social Media Marketing Flyers

Marketing Carousels

To sensitize and educate new users, we came up with a set of carousels, targeted mostly at Instagram users to showcase what users can do with the app.

More by Ukoha Obinna

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