Personal Portfolio Website Design (freebies

As a professional designer, I need a personal website to showcase my work, and here is my basic concept for designing a personal website. I will publish more versions soon.

From figma Community: Duplicate

Check out Conceptual Case Study - Behance

Download this UI Kit on - UI8

Full Preview - Figma Community


✋For Work Inquiries



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Short Story

Growing up in a small village without access to the internet or the latest technology sparked my curiosity for computers. I began learning Photoshop in a photo studio where I paid for.

My love for gaming led me to play FPS video games like PUBG and Valorant, which taught me valuable skills in making critical decisions under pressure. When I'm not gaming, I enjoy unwinding with Netflix.

As a former cricket team captain, I gained valuable teamwork and empathy skills that have helped me contribute positively to any situation.

Now, I'm passionate about helping others, and I'm working to build a Designer Community to assist new designers in their journey to success.

Desktop Version

Mehedihas website Desktop version

Mobile Responsive

Mehedihas website mobile responsive version

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