Cloud Platform UI/UX Design

Cloud platform design page

My Experience as a UI/UX Designer

The UI/UX design project that I worked on as just one designer, was an enormous undertaking that involved designing over 200 screens for cloud platforms and solutions. From the outset, I knew that this project would be challenging, but I was committed to delivering a world-class user experience that would set the company apart from its competitors.

In the end, I delivered a UI/UX design that was not only beautiful and user-friendly but also highly effective. The platform I designed has been widely praised for its intuitive interface and ease of use, and it has helped the company to achieve its business objectives by providing a superior user experience to its customers. Overall, this project was a significant achievement, and I am incredibly proud to have been a part of it.

home page design

Home Dashboard:

The home dashboard is the first thing users see when they log into the cloud platform, and it is designed to be both informative and easy to navigate.

The dashboard has a clean and modern design with a color palette that complements the branding of the cloud platform. The layout of the dashboard is organized and intuitive, with clearly labeled sections and easy-to-find navigation menus.

server page 01
server page 2

Scalable, secure, and highly efficient cloud servers:

Users can create their own cloud server and manage it according to their needs.

Cloud servers are available with both Linux and Windows operating systems and can be created and used on an hourly or periodic basis.

Users can create their own cloud server and manage it according to their needs.

datacenter design

The Cloud data centers:

This service enables users to perform any task they would normally do on a physical data center, but this time on their own "cloud data center".

The distinguishing feature of cloud data centers is that they are not dependent on any specific hardware, providing businesses with greater flexibility and scalability.

cloud platform 1
cloud platform 2
cloud platform

Creating a cloud container and managing it:

With this cloud platform service, users can quickly launch their software.

Domain, Event list, Container dashboard, Disk list, usage report design.


Transactions and invoices:

User can view their purchased services in this section and see their transactions and invoices.

profile and setting

Profile and setting:

User access and settings are managed through this section.

support and ticketing 01
support and ticketing 02

Support and ticketing:

In this section, users have access to various features. They can read service-related documentation, submit support tickets, and receive assistance. Furthermore, users can find answers to frequently asked questions regarding the service.



Users can also receive service notifications through this section.


By the way, this project has been thoughtfully designed to provide an exceptional experience for users on mobile and tablet devices. Additionally, other types of screens, such as modals and pop-ups, have been designed, along with some additional features, but they have not been featured in this Dribble post.


I am currently available for new UI/UX design projects and excited to collaborate with innovative teams.


Feel free to drop me a line to discuss your project

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