Scale Solar - Case Study | Webflow development | Web design

Project Overview

Scale Solar Leads helps solar pros and companies grow and sell more systems on a daily basis. The agency needed a kickass minimal website developed using webflow with micro-interactions and animations. The objective of this project was to create a user-friendly and visually appealing website that would help the company grow and sell more solar systems on a daily basis.

Mid-Fidelity Wireframe

I used Figma to create wireframes and design mockups, working closely with the client to ensure that the design met their needs and preferences. The following wireframe was designed before moving forward with the web design.

Typography + Color

The following fonts and color palette was used throughout the project. I used a limited color palette of yellow, white, red and black to maintain consistency and reinforce the company's brand identity.

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Here's the detail of our Web design project. Check it out!

Responsive Design and Webflow development

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Divyansh Agarwal
Web Designer & Webflow Developer | Engaging UX for startups

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