Designing Accessible Buttons in Figma

Buttons are one of the most common UI elements in web and app design, and creating accessible buttons is crucial for ensuring an inclusive user experience. As a designer, it's important to not only create visually appealing buttons but also consider the various states they may be in, including primary, secondary, and tertiary types as well as active, hovered, disabled, and clicked states.

In this Figma design, I've created a set of buttons that meet both visual and accessibility standards. Each button type has been meticulously designed with attention to detail, including contrast ratio, font size, and spacing to ensure readability for all users. Additionally, each button has been tested to meet accessibility standards, ensuring that they are operable by keyboard and assistive technologies.

By designing accessible buttons, we can make sure that all users, regardless of their abilities, can easily navigate and interact with our interfaces. So next time you design buttons, keep accessibility in mind to create a more inclusive user experience.

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Posted on Feb 22, 2023

More by Omoyeni Emmanuel

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