What is Pipe In Angular?

In Angular, a "pipe" is a feature that allows you to transform the data displayed in a template. Pipes are used to format, filter, and manipulate data before it is displayed to the user.

Pipes in Angular are denoted by the pipe character (|) and can be used in interpolation and binding expressions to modify the data. For example, you can use the "uppercase" pipe to convert a string to all uppercase letters, or the "date" pipe to format a date into a specific format.

Here is an example of how to use the "uppercase" pipe in an Angular template:


<p>Welcome, {{ name | uppercase }}!</p>

In this example, the "name" variable is transformed using the "uppercase" pipe, which converts it to all uppercase letters before it is displayed.

Angular also provides several built-in pipes that can be used out of the box, including "date", "currency", "json", and "percent". Additionally, you can create your own custom pipes to perform more complex transformations on your data.

Overall, pipes are a powerful feature in Angular that allow you to easily transform and manipulate your data before it is displayed to the user. If you want to Transform Data Using Pipes then you can follow this post.

More by Maggie Joseph

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