🥑 Nutrientplanner Mobile App

Hello everyone!

Here are some mobile app Nutrientplanner screens. Nutrientplanner is an application for scoring and regulation your daily nutrient's norm, checking nutrient components of the goods, searching for healhty recepies advises and connection with the specialist nutritionist.

I've decided to include Avocado-character to make association with healthy eating habits and make the app more informal.

Tab bar navigation has 5 sections: account, recepies, food diary, consultations and more. Account screen is the main user's page.

The goal was to clearly represent information from website to the app and make it easily-understandable for users. We've got 60+ screens in total.

Don’t forget to press “L” if you like it!

✨I’m available for new projects: linaxety@mail.ru / telegram: @linaxety

More by Alina Antunevich

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