3D Food Illustration - Indonesian Favorites

Hi, Folks!

Here are some 3D food explorations I made. Plus, I will introduce you one by one to arouse your curiosity. Feeling hungry? 😆

1. Chicken noodles with meatballs (Mie Ayam & Bakso)

Indonesians love Mie Ayam. Mie Ayam, like other Indonesian foods, has several variations. Yellow egg noodles served with diced gravy-braised chicken, chicken broth soup, spring onions, and fried shallots. Pangsit (wonton), sawi hijau (caisim), and even bakso (meatball) can be added. Mushrooms and sambal are often added along with the chicken.

2. Roasted meat on skewers (Satai Daging)

The most common Satai variety in Indonesia is Satai Ayam (roasted chicken on skewers) and Satai Kambing (roasted lamb on skewers). Soy sauce marinates the meat before it is skewered. A charcoal fire is typically used to grill skewers of meat, which leaves the meat smoky and juicy while cooking quickly.

3. Klepon

You will love Klepon, a small round cake filled with palm sugar and topped with grated coconut if you like Mochi cake. It is still unclear where Klepon came from, but it is been around for a long time in Indonesia and Malaysia. This glutinous snack is typically associated with Javanese culture because in Sumatra and Malaysia it is called Onde-Onde.

4. Indonesian Cendol (Es Dawet)

Traditionally, Es Dawet is served with shaved ice, brown sugar, and coconut milk, and is made from rice flour or glutinous rice flour. Desserts of this type are common in Southeast Asia. Different countries have slight variations in the topping, but the base concept is the same. Typically, Malaysian Cendol has a variety of colorful toppings such as creamed corn, durian, red bean, palm seed/attap chee, ground nuts, grass jelly, or even ice cream. In contrast, Singapore Cendol is commonly served with red beans or kidney beans and gula Melaka syrup.

These are just a few foods you can try in Indonesia! What is your favorite one?

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