Rehome | your ai-driven interior designer

In the past few weeks I've been doing a whole lot of research as I want to build an earthship in Spain and permanently move there. In the process I've been also looking at architecture and interior design principles (Pareto-principle, Wabi-sabi, lighting, materials, …) to frame the idea for my ideal home. While reading up and drawing I figured how tedious this process must be for people with a lack of software-knowledge and how the process of making pinterest-and-moodboards, measuring your room(s) and then having to look for the ideal setup takes up a lot of time. It also makes you buy stuff that doesn't fit and needs to be resend or has to be sold off.

What if AI could do the legwork? You input the floorplan, set up one artboard and set some parameters and a Dall-E-like app would use the materials, colours and atmosphere you want to create; applying the most sensible, space-saving setup for you. You could be looking at having multiple interior designs in under 30min instead of spending hours on drawing, thinking, … More focussed shopping, execution, styling and enjoying your home!

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