O D I N - smart service for alone-living elders and their family

As part of a service, an elderly person living alone recieves an intelligent home furnishing item, that provides tem with sound an light-based support on a daily basis. An elderly person – who may is on a waiting list by a nursing home - would need support in their daily life right now. A part of the service, a set of subjects is programmed and personalized for the elderly. This transforms the elderly’s home into an intelligent space, a „spatian ux-surface”. The set of objects that would be found in an elderly person’s home includes a smart storage device and several smart projection devices.

The other half of the service is an application, that is used by family members or proxies. They can get an up-to-date status report on the elderly family member, or thanks to a set of categories, get a comprehensive picture of what and how much the elderly person is entitled to. This can also be used to screen out „grandchild scammers” and burglar „candidates”.

More abot the whole process of the project, click here!

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