The Phantoms - Illustrations

In gaming industry everything starts with sketches, illustrations, characters and stories. This is a project we're excited about.

Below is a little narrative of "The Phantoms" project. 

Part 1

We are so busy in our search to discovering the secrets of the outside. Trying to reach new planets, name new stars, send satellites to more random empty spots in the nothingness of Space. So buried in our dreams and imagination for the possible worlds out there, that we forgot to discover our own little piece in the whole.

We surely have discovered a lot, but much more is hidden before our eyes without us even realising its presence. And the Phantoms use it. They know what we can and can not see, and they make sure to stay hidden from us every day. Why? Well, humanity is known to be very curious sometimes, in a level, which may even harm others. 

Part 2

Phantoms want to avoid that.They have an entire world out there, hidden from our eyes. An entire ecosystem! With animals, never seen before, and plants, more green and more beautiful than anything discovered on Earth. They seem to have a hierarchy on their own. Some have powers to create life, to rise plants out of thin air or to spill entire rivers out of the cracks in rocks. They take care of their world and protect it at all cost. Elegant and slim, but dangerous.

Part 3

How come we know of their existence? Well, some of us have seen them in the middle of the night, flying around with their…birds? Though, honestly calling them like that would be underestimating. They have heads as big as a horse and wings, strong enough to bend down trees, tails, longer than their bodies and claws, strong enough to pierce through steal. They seem to come out of absolutely nowhere. As if they just randomly appear, but if you pay closer attention you may notice that it’s as if they cross through an invisible wall. Is this what protects their world form our eyes? Maybe some day the mystery of the Phantoms will be solved.

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