Inktober 2022 Sonic Art: Tangle x Mighty

Jesus loves you!!! The calendar has rolled over to October, which also marks the beginning of Ink-tober! The purpose of Inktober is to challenge yourself to draw with inks(traditional or digital) and share it with others, so here we go! (totally quoting Mario right there, when I’m like, not having fan art of him in this post…it’s fine…) I don’t plan to do 31 dailies, BUT I will be sharing ink stuff through the month of October.

ALSO, I would like to mention that October 6 is Bring Your Bible to School Day this year! (I didn’t invent this, it’s real) Shout-out to everyone who is participating, you’re all awesome! Leading up to Oct. 6, the challenge is to share a verse and pass it along, so here ya’ go! Let’s shine, peeps!

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” – John 3:16

Jesus, you’re so awesome, you viewers are awesome, and we’re ALL(everyone–EVERYONE) loved by Jesus. Pure awesome.

So, first up, Tangle x Mighty! (*cough* have I done art of them before?) This was done in my sketchbook using a normal pen, therefore, I could not erase any of the blocking lines. I referenced a base from the internet for their pose and expressions, kind of pulled them into a style that’s different from how I normally roll, but hey, learning, trying new styles, and more Tangle x Mighty!

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