
Various illustrations created in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Procreate.

Mighty Meghan

Welcome posters for new team members. These hung above their desks their first week at the office.


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Self Portrait

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Stay Home MN

Designed during the Covid-19 lockdown.

Salesforce Champion

Minnesota x Salesforce stickers for our employees who have been recognized as Salesforce savants :)

Sticker kit for employees who passed the Salesforce Lightning certification. The set has a Minneapolis/Minnesota theme, as this was where employees were located.

Tech Jam is our company's annual technology conference. The mascot, "Jammy", is featured on clothing and collateral during the event. In 2021 employees participated from four countries: USA, Ukraine, Australia, and Canada.

Posted on Aug 8, 2022
Customer Experience + Graphic Designer

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