
'Oscar' is a mobile app designed to help dog owners with their needs; from dog walking to dog sitting and home visits. The goal of ‘Oscar’ is to connect dog owners with verified and trustworthy dog walkers and sitters.

User research

I interviewed dog owners in person and over the phone. The most common concerns for dog owners were finding a trustworthy walker. Owners liked the idea of a community walk option to establish a connection with walkers/sitters before booking a service. Owners were also interested in the option to have a live chat service where photos and videos could be sent to them during the walks. Importantly the walkers needed to be verified and needed to have ratings in order to form a feeling of safety and trust.

User persona

User Flow

A user flow was created based on the user research and persona, following an onboarding journey and finding/booking a walker journey.


Using the user flow I mapped out high fidelity wireframes in Figma. My priorities were to keep the flow simple and easy to navigate. Based on my research I focused on key functions like a live chat option with a call feature, star ratings for walkers and photography and video sharing.

Visual Design

The final visual design adopted a clean and minimal visual approach, with a palette consisting of 4 colours. Two primary colours of a muted orange and forest green and two secondary colours of a subtle light grey and white.

This allowed me to hero the imagery and the buttons and tabs could be easily identifiable for the user. I applied a warm, golden grade to photography to compliment the app colour palette. Rounded corners are used throughout the design and iconography to demonstrate a welcoming and friendly feel.

Onboarding Journey UI

Finding a walker UI

Posted on Jun 2, 2022

More by Sophie Holmberg

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