Funnelback Program Finder

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As an out-of-the-box product designed for Higher Education websites, Funnelback's Program Finder makes the discovery of programs, courses, and majors a fast, intuitive experience for students and prospects.

I worked as an advocate for students within the Program Finder team to help empower their ability to discover their perfect program or course.

There is a proven correlation between the time it takes a potential student to find a program on your website, and the decision to make an application.

Out of the box, Program Finder is built to help students research courses and programs with ease — all in an intuitive way that works with how students have come to expect in their day to day lives.

The birth of Program Finder arrived off the back of a custom implementation we applied for the University of New England. Disengagement during the application process presented itself to be a glaring pain point during our monitored user testing sessions, and opportunity knocked.

As an organisation, we created a small product team to build out Program Finder and successfully sold and implemented it within multiple higher ed organisations within the US.

At University of North Dakota after the implementation of a Program Finder, visitors converted 160% more often to the online application.

The Template

To take Program Finder to market, I worked on creating a generic template that showcased its best features in a way that would enable our primary target audience to envisage key functionality areas embedded within their website.

I worked with the Product Owner in building out multiple wireframes, prototypes, and a design system to allow clients the opportunity to customise the product to fit their own brand guidelines.

After implementing a program finder on the homepage, the University of Derby saw a 40% increase in page views to program information

Key Value Propositions

✅ Hit Recruitment Targets

✅ Increase Site Engagement

✅ Illuminate Student Pathways

Learn more about Funnelback Program Finder here.

Elliot Rylands
Staff Product Designer at Scan Dot Com ✨

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