Brand Identity | Jusbrasil Design Week

Hi everyone 👋🏽

Here are some close shots from one more visual identity I've worked on 😁

Jusbrasil is a brazilian lawtech which improves justice and economic development by increasing transparency, trust and access to relevant legal information. The main concept behind this brand was to reflect the feeling of "who is behind our products and brand"? The answer is very simple: designers. Designers build the Jusbrasil brand and product (literally), that's why this logotype it's a deconstructed version of the company's brand, as it represents the pre and process that only designers visualize until the final version of our designs are built.

In addition to being a way to bring more dynamism and humanity from the corporate visual identity, when working with geometric shapes (specifically 3), we also ended up making a reference to a very known visual style created at the Bauhaus, symbol of the Design history (which, between us, we love!)


Let's talk? Feel free to send a message.

Maria Carolina Barbosa
Brand Design with Illustration 🪄spice🪄

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