UX Design process 4 | Design & Prototype | Foodfancy Chef app

Design is not about how it looks, but rather how it works. In every project we work on, we have to be empathetic, pragmatic, and collaborative to get the best user experience possible.

In the UX design process of the Foodfancy chef app, we followed the Design Thinking framework, as we generally approach every design. We prefer the Design Thinking framework because of reasons. 1. It's outlined by Tim Brown 2. the child of Standford University and 3, widely followed by industry pioneers, like Google. So, we can safely say that it's proven for a successful UX.

We followed 5 steps outline for this app:

✅ Empathize ✅ Define ✅ Ideate ✅ Prototype ➡️ Test

We have uploaded the details of how we went through the Empathy, Define, and Ideate steps in my previous shots. Today I want to share with you the next step, designing and prototyping.

The Big Picture Story Board (screen 2):

I forgot to include another step of the Define and Ideate process, the Story Board. So I included that now.

Shows user journey on just 6 screens. There are 2 kinds of storyboards. The Big Picture Storyboard and Closeup Storyboard. We made the first one.

Information Architecture (screen 3):

Organizes content to help users understand where they are in a product and where the information they want is.

Low-fidelity Paper Wireframe (screen 4):

Many designers skip this paper wireframe. But according to the Google UX Design team, it's a mandatory step UX designers should go through. So, I stepped to Digital Wireframe only after the paper wireframe is completed and got feedback.

Low-fidelity Digital Wireframe (screen 5):

The next steps are coming soon in upcoming shots. 😃

Please suggest to us where we can improve the process👋

🤩 The idea:

Do you believe that the cooking skills are saleable? Well, we do. So we came up with an idea where the people who need homemade foods for lunch or dinner can order another "person" who will make the cooking for them.

 ✉️ Have a project idea? I am available for new projects and a full-time remote position. Say me hallo at mafruh.faruqi@gmail.com 🔥

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