I Wish I Knew That…

Today I wanted to do something different. ‘Earth Day’ shenanigans aside, I want you to go to answer this Google Forms (ironic) form and answer it.

This applies to anyone, whether you’re starting out or a fully-fledged pro.

What aspects of being an Artist/Designer/Freelancer/Independent Creative did you wish you knew when you started?

Or even yesterday?

What tools did you want to exist or know back then?

What do you think someone starting out on their career should know?

What should people do moving forward?

What bad experience have had?

(You can respond as many times is you want, but please try to keep one answer per response).

*All answers are for data-purposes only and will not be used in a commercial setting for the benefit of gathering people’s valid experiences through a simple mechanism. No personal data is collected on the form and no personal info will be shared if any signifying personal details are submitted.


Googol logo, the original name for the world’s most popular search engine (Google).


(Logo) ‘Catull’ by H. Berthold foundry.

(Modified) ‘Arial’ by Robin Nicholas, Patricia Saunders from Monotype.

Image Description:

A faux website homepage of the popular search engine ‘Google’ except it says ‘Googol’, which is multiple pieces of text on a White background, with a search bar and buttons that say ‘Google Search’ ‘I’m Feeling Lucky and others in Dark Grey.

At the convergence of gothic & contemporary visual culture.


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