Bitmax - Website Redesign

Looking at the old Bitmax website, you’d never in a million years guess they were the distributor behind the Korean cinematic masterpiece Parasite.

Indie filmmakers looking for distribution partners had to trust Bitmax’s reputation because their site felt disjointed and high-risk.

As a multi-national business, the last thing you want to hear from your potential high-value clients is “the website was confusing so we gave up”.

This was a dilemma for Bitmax. Their site was a collection of short efforts from different developers and designers over the years.

The inconsistent branding and poor responsiveness didn’t do their business any justice. The site was not an asset the team would suggest potential clients check out.

This is the point we entered the picture (pun intended!). Our mission was to rebuild the Bitmax site, capture the essence of being in a cinema while arming the Bitmax team with a high-converting website experience.

A touch of animation combined with an immersive dark theme paints a strong Bitmax with a strong brand. Browsing the site you kind of feel like you’re in a movie theatre.

Do you want a new website while your company is growing?

We have experience creating websites for both startups and 6 figure companies.

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Clean Commit
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