Area of Interest - Input fields

Hi there 🚀

Today I would like to share next piece of the "Good Oil" project. This time I want to show you some UI elementents - input with all the autocompleter/filters states.

About project

The company works in the broadly understood oil industry, helping manage natural deposits in various regions of the world for 20 years.

How we helped

The project posed many challenges for us. Our main task was to organize the chaos related to data aggregation from multiple sources. We were enabling convenient exploration of resources thanks to extensive, advanced filters and a powerful, configurable search.

We based the entire design process on User-centered design (UCD). Our secondary role was to work on data visualization, such as extensive maps showing many variables loaded from the database.

We have also developed several graphic templates. We designed a template for color-blind patients with deuteranopia and protanopia. During the entire process, we carried out detailed tests simultaneously so that these people could work as well as possible.

We are Autentika

UX-Driven Design & Development Agency that for more than 15 years has been building top-quality web, e-commerce, and mobile apps.

They call us "the agency for demanding projects." The truth is that we like challenges and get satisfaction from well-done work.

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Kamil from Autentika

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