Optimal Shopify Theme for Kids clothes

Optimal is a creative and powerful shopify theme that is specially designed to create online store for kids clothes and accessories. It is completely integrated with the drag and drop sections that allows you to build every aspect of your website using ready templates or you can create your own. Optimal is packed with 10+ homepages, 99+ elements, and 1000+ options. You will have the freedom of changing any page on your website or creating custom layouts using sections. No matter what type of store you have, it is the best choice for kids clothes website.

Core features:

- Drag and drop sections in all pages

- Advanced and dynamic product filters

- Optimized for fast loading and ready for SEO

- Fully compatible with shopify OS 2.0

- Inbuilt Megamenu with different styles.

Download Theme | View demo

Posted on Oct 14, 2021

More by Sanjay Khunt

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