Daeploy - logo design

When you start your own company or a new product, you can face different kinds of challenges. I always ask my clients to provide feedback after we finished the project, so It gives me the info about what kind of solutions helped them, how the project influenced the potential growth of the company, and how I can improve my services myself. That’s what I asked one of my previous client Isabela Cavadem – the Communications Coordinator at Viking Analytics:


1. What was the problem you were having before you discovered my service? Viking Analytics needed a new logo and graphic profile for its new product, Daeploy. It was important to have it done quickly so the materials for the website and social media could be developed in time for the launch.


2. What does the frustration feel like as you try to solve the problem? The main challenge was aligning the elements that the product team envisioned for the brand but keeping an identity that wouldn’t conflict with Viking Analytics’ own visual identity.


3. What was different when you discovered the service? Instead of selecting an agency we decided to work directly with a designer to have more agility in the production and feedback process. We found Yana and the briefing and overall communication was very simple and direct to the point.


4. Take us to the moment when you realized that my service is actually working to solve the problem? It was very nice to see the logo taking shape with the elements we wanted and also the suggestions from Yana.


5. Tell please, what the company’s life looks like after the problem is solved? With the logo and brand guidelines in place we were able to set up a website, social media content and ads that look good and are visually coherent, which have been helping us in the user acquisition process.


Become a better version of yourself and attract more clients by using clear feedback and professional look of your company.

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