The Turo Blog: Field Notes - Redesign

Our beloved blog, originally created almost 5 or 6 years ago hadn't gone through any major design updates since its inception. With all the traffic that it had been pulling in thanks to the hard work of our content, copywriting, and SEO teams, in late 2019 we felt it was time for it to receive the TLC it deserved. There were several issues with the original design, as it was out of date with some of the larger brand refreshes and design system updates that had happened over recent years that affected the way we use color, typography, and so on.

I redesigned the post indexes (like the homepage and category archives) to prioritize legibility, taking the text off of the images (as they had been layered on top previously). I also built a new custom post template for the copywriters to use for our rebooted Travelogue series where we engage content creators to document a trip with a vehicle from Turo, as well as custom React-based CTA block components for post editors to include at the end of posts to help promote conversion on all the rich content they were publishing. Other small additions included a universal blog footer that provided CTAs and supplemental navigation, as well as improvements to the overall discoverability and legibility of post navigation and tags to encourage readers to sift through more content.

Posted on Jul 27, 2021

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