E-commerce dark mode case study

Read the full case study here: https://bootcamp.uxdesign.cc/e-commerce-dark-mode-case-study-ff3d67efae81?source=friends_link&sk=f28a13c2af8e9c211a005d52197fb057

In iOS versions 13.0 and beyond, people can choose to adopt a dark, system-wide appearance called Dark Mode. Since the launch of this feature, a lot of popular apps have adopted dark mode as an optional browsing experience. Interestingly though, there aren't many examples of E-commerce apps that offer a dark mode theme.

As Al Tayer Group's first and exclusively digital e-commerce site, Ounass boasts over 500 luxury brands; and in the world of high-end brands and VIP customers, experiences are essential! They attract customers, engage them, and create memorable events that connect them emotionally to the company or brand. It was therefore only natural for Ounass to remain ahead of the curve and offer a unique experience that no other luxury competitor shares: Dark Mode.

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