Website for "Crappy Explanation" Music Project

Hey guys!

I'm stoked to present the quirky website we made for "Crappy Explanation", the music playlist project we started here at Zajno 3 years ago. Since the start of the project, we've accumulated so many digital mixtapes that clearly it was time to tidy them up into a neat website, which we did using such technologies as Three.js, GSAP, GLSL, WebGL & Hammer.JS.

What you see above is the website preloader. Check out the full website here and let us know what you think about it by voting on AWWWARDS and CSS!

Why this extravagant name? What’s so crappy about our explanations? 😜

We wondered that, too. Once upon a time, when Zajno was an infant, we worked with a very expressive and unpredictable client, whose decisions were changing more often than called for. And on one glorious, sunny day, after our email #1,265, we got a response “Leave that crappy explanation to yourself”. “What a gem” - we thought. Since then, this expression kind of stuck with us, and we decided to call our playlists that way.

Stay tuned to see more and share your feedback!

P.S. Hope you enjoy both the website and the playlists, quite a lot of them are put together by me 😄 🎧

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