Mobile Shopping XP

During our 3 months at YCombinator, we took the leap of faith at Once. Remember how we were using stories to reinvent forms? Well...We had a nice format (story), that was very engaging, but not a real use case or business where people where craving for our product.

We worked hard on user interview, research with our users and potential ones and we saw an opportunity in e-commerce.

75% of the traffic comes from mobile, but it converts 3 times less than on desktop. Mobile websites are just a consequence of the desktop website, but we think that mobile deserves a unique adaptative storefront.

We launched a first POC (my previous post), then MVP, and worked so hard on observing and gathering feedbacks/insights.

What we do now at Once, is that we generate mobile-first product pages for e-shop, that feel native (mobile-first/app UX, visual, immersive, mobile gestures..). Bottom line : we boost their sales.

We're launching this new product in a couple of weeks, and can't wait to see what the future holds!

eastermeggg 🍳
Senior Product Designer @eFounders

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