Hex Girls (Mocktober Challenge)

First of all, thank you Elegant Seagulls for putting on this challenge. I can't believe this will be my 5th year participating in this spooktacular event!

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This year, I have to give all the credit to my wife. Not only did she come up with the idea, but she also organized and directed the photoshoot to bring this concept to the next level. (She's on the far right in the image at the top)πŸ”₯

I also want to thank the other two models and good friends, Kayla and MacKenna. They did an amazing job. They put a lot of work into this! πŸ‘πŸ»

Without the help of these 3, I wouldn't have been able to create something with original photography. Photos by me πŸ‘»

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Hex Girls is a fictional female eco-goth-rock band from Scooby-Doo, but what if they were the real deal? What if they just released a new single? What if they are about to go on tour in 2021? Well, look no further, because we brought this idea to life!

So here it is! Hex Girls! My 2020 Mocktober put together in Figma. Check it out! Enjoy! 😈 (Keep an eye out, because there are places you can hover and click on!)

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If you would like to see more images from this shoot, you can find them on my Instagram! πŸ’€

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To enter Mocktober simply upload your Halloween themed design to Dribbble and tag it #mocktober before November 1st, 2020.

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Westley Ferguson
Associate Creative Director + Photographer

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