Landing page - CTA


The Call To Action or CTA is the element that fulfils the purpose of a landing page.It enables buyers to take action and so it’s extremely important to get it right.
Use actionable copy to describe the action you want the buyer to take.
eg: Get ‘My’ Custom Kit, Boost ‘My’ Business adds a personal element to the action making it sound tailor made to each buyer.

Instead of merely saying ‘Call us now’ or ‘Talk to us now’ you can earn a buyer’s trust by giving them a little more information while taking the action itself. eg: Book a clarity call now , or
Talk to an industry expert , suggests that the buyer is going to be connected to someone with authority to help them out.

You can also add offers within your CTA copy, eg: Shop now @20%off to entice the buyer to take action.

More by Dhiksha Venkatesan

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