Catalog page for the Asia e-commerce product


Continuing to share some secrets from the project that is still currently in development—a new marketplace for Asia.

Usually, in the catalogs, the toughest part—is filtering and sorting. Filters are annoying and people don't really like to deal with them. But people don't like to waste their time more!

Since this is an MVP version (as all our projects mainly are, I decided to take a simple approach to Filters.

1. All the filters are reactive—meaning, every time you apply one, the page results refresh. This only works well for the small amount of filters though.

2. Users should be able to remove all applied filters without a need to click on each to dismiss it. For that, there's a "reset" button near each filter title.

3. Simple sorting—by lowest price. If turned off, products are sorted by the newest/popular.

More by Igor Lanko

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