Stay In The Pocket

I'm feeling I'm starting to wind up again, creatively. There's a lot I want to do and accomplish and I can sort of feel the power level growing again. I really want to get as much done as humanly possible while I'm feeling this inspired and motivated, so, stay tuned. I'm gonna release a couple of things soon, some familiar, some totally out of left field.

Also - we just clocked in with a post numbering 350. Holy shit. In less than a week, we've done a full year of 3D. It's not much, but its something, and it means a lot to me. I appreciate every single one of you, who's been commenting, liking, and being with me on this journey. Aint no time to stop or smell the roses, lets keep it moving! Next celebration - 500!

Anyway, drop a like or follow and have an awesome Friday!
All heart,

Estonian product designer & illustrator.

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