Lori - Brand Identity

Hi there folks,

Showing off the great work done by our team at Digital Intent. This montage showcases some of the fine brand guidelines we created for the team at Lori.

A BIG shout-out to Brandon Herbal allworknosleep for collaborating on this.

The client
Lori is a Phone protection designed to fit your lifestyle. Lori protects your phone, new or old, with dependable protection plans that both let you select the right coverage and same-day repairs.

How did we help?
We helped them reinvigorate their visual language and branding with a new logo mark, color scheme, typography treatment, website, and web app. All of that condensed into a simple design system that will service their marketing efforts for some time to come.

In addition to that Brandon Herbal allworknosleep was able to build their website in @Webflow in a fully responsive environment.

More Lori post's coming...

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