Protect Elder, Protect Her, Protect Long-Term Care

My illustration for supporting the awareness campaign of long-term care crisis, under the title of Artists 4 Long Term Care.

My art now is right there on the wall somewhere in Philadelphia.

Thank you #KitraCahana for inviting me to be taken part in this beautiful project. I am really happy that my little skill has been useful for the world, even just a very small part of it. If there will be another campaign, please do not hesitate to tell me.!
#FilltheWallsWithHopeRageLoveResources #MuseumFromHome #wheatpasteart #wheatpaste #phillystreetart #streetartphilly #streetart #COVID19 #quarantine #ArtistsInquarantine #artsresponsecovid19 #artsresponseC19 #HarmReduction #FilltheWallsWithHope

Artists 4 Long Term Care is a social action initiative that uses art and storytelling to raise awareness about the crisis facing residents and staff of long-term care facilities during the Covid-19 pandemic. We invite artists, photographers, writers, and filmmakers living inside and outside long-term care facilities to create works that confront this issue, to be shared on social media with the hashtag #artists4longtermcare. We encourage you to create images of love, appreciation, anger, and humor with an eye towards increasing the visibility of those inside long-term care facilities. Our hope is that many of these materials will be displayed on the walls of these facilities to boost resident and staff morale.

These individuals are our mothers, our fathers, our grandparents, our siblings, our neighbors, and our friends. Collectively, they hold our memories, our history, our family knowledge, our languages, and values. They are the bridge from our past to our future. In the face of this unprecedented historical crisis, we must show solidarity with the courageous residents of long-term care facilities and the heroic workers at their bedside. We must show them they are not invisible.

This is an important role! one day, we all gonna get old, and who is gonna take care of us if we don't care of them


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