Quote - Marian Bantjes

The job you do is yours. Or at least act like it is. 👊 Why? _ In order to do something truly phenomenal, we need to relate to that. When working on a project, we have to pay our full attention to it, bear responsibility, think about the consequences and values ​​of what we are working on. Be dedicated and devoted. 🤓 _ Never do something for someone else. Yes, you do design for the client, however, YOU are the one who can get the most out of that job. Apart from making money, you also gain invaluable experience and knowledge that will later bring you great things. If we do something only and solely for the client, without completely devoting to the project and seeing it as our own, it will never reach its true value and full potential. 💯 _ When you look back on all your projects so far, they really are the embodiment of you and your skills and knowledge. ❤️

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