Hey guys, I hope you are alright, healthy and safe.
This is a really difficult time for most of us so I would love to little bit cheer you up. The best thing you can do right now is to stay home.
If you can, you should work from home too. Maybe you are even forced to stay home by your government. And maybe you have to stay in home quarantine after you came back from abroad. In many countries, school are closed as well as shops, restaurants, cafes and bars. So there is a high chance your full family will be home most of the day too.
This might be a great opportunity to straighten your relationships or spend more time with your kids or partners. But for many people staying home for such a long time might become boring, uncomfortable or even scary. Well, if you feel you would love to little bit spice your spare time or have no clue what to do each day, I am here to help you, hopefully.
I made a list of some ideas of activities what you could do at home and have a little bit of fun. I am going to share with you one illustrated idea every day. You might be doing some of these activities already, but I hope a few of them will be ridiculous and crazy enough that you haven't ever think about doing it. And that's the point. Enjoy your time, try something new, create some memories, stay sane.
If you feel like it, take some pictures and share them, using hashtags #wswdt or #whatshallwedoathome on Instagram.
You can also let me in comments how you accomplished given task and if you had some fun.
If you will be enjoying this whole idea, feel free to invite your friends and other people.
I hope some of you will join me and together we will little bit ginger up this weird time.
And remember, if you can, stay home. If you have to go out, wear mask, keep 2 meters distance from others. Don't touch your face, wash your hands carefully. Call your relatives and friends. Help your elder neighbours if they need to but try to avoid any contact.

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