1. Grocery truck sketches
    View Grocery truck sketches
    Grocery truck sketches
  2. Drawing icons. My favorite thing to do!
    View Drawing icons. My favorite thing to do!
    Drawing icons. My favorite thing to do!
  3. shoot for a library thing, fun!
    View shoot for a library thing, fun!
    shoot for a library thing, fun!
  4. sketching layouts
    View sketching layouts
    sketching layouts
  5. illustrating today!
    View illustrating today!
    illustrating today!
  6. sketches for a grocery truck
    View sketches for a grocery truck
    sketches for a grocery truck
  7. some more sketching for the library campaign
    View some more sketching for the library campaign
    some more sketching for the library campaign
  8. sketching ultra hipster for a library campaign
    View sketching ultra hipster for a library campaign
    sketching ultra hipster for a library campaign
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