Lenses in box

August 24, 2012

Hello again, I believe todays render is a bit better. In the screen is shown detail view of "In box". I renamed feature "Open box" → "Buy new box", to be more obvious. In this view you can define the box and later you can easily buy de...

Lenses on eyes

August 23, 2012

Hello, A little because of low battery in camera, but especially more because of great stuff Mikael Edienberg's and also Ben Cline's - I decided to open Cinema 4D for the first time. So here are my newbie's attempts made in 30 mins. iPh...

Open new box

August 22, 2012

Hello! Some time I came up with application to keep track on my contact lenses' life. I don't remember when I took new pair and how many paris are still in box. I didn't found any *simple* app in store. I'm not sure, if I will have enou...

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Konrad Kolasa