Music Platform 💿 - Public

December 12, 2017

We were working on this huge platform that helps all kind of musicians (newbies or risings starts) to manage and have control of their careers give them, tools to showing data insights related to their performs on streaming services like...

Music Platform 💿

December 12, 2017

There are a lot of platforms, that helps musician distribute they work through sites like “pandora, spotify, apple music etc” But also the music industry is one of the most complex and unknown fields for the same artist. That was part o...

Music Stats 💽

December 11, 2017

This is a little preview of a big product I was working on. I used "Atomic design" to create a better design system and a way to build faster each one of the screens. 💻 I'm not a visual designer 100% of the time in the studio but... do...

Upload a song 💿

July 26, 2017

This is a little preview of a big product we are working on. This time I was trying to use "Atomic design" to create a better design system and a way to build faster each one of the screens. 💻 I'm not a visual designer 100% of the time ...

Success screen ⚡️

July 01, 2017

A deprecated screen of a real product, about music management. 💽 Like, bucket or share my shot :P ––– Twitter

Card prototype -

March 30, 2017

I've been playing around with principle and UI components. Becoming more aware of micro-interactions has helped me resolve the complementary states of each screen. Prototypes are also the best way to show clients the final product. Lik...

Available for new projects

Get in touch
H. McNamara  🔪