Eyes Wide Open - Zine & Blanket

January 06, 2020

To augment our zine, we took some of the pages and turned them into knitted blankets. The blanket here in the background was designed by Sasha Dusky. The design on the right page was done by Kristen McGriff!

Eyes Wide Open - Discovery Through Running

January 06, 2020

Stoked to get to share the final layout for my page within Hatch's zine, Shelf Life. With the theme being about seeing the world differently, I took the perspective of how running enables me to explore and discover new places in a freein...

Eyes Wide Open - Component 2

November 05, 2019

The most enjoyable part of using running as a way of discovering something new is that at any moment you can change direction, go left, go right or turn around. It doesn't have to be a straight forward linear process. We can allow it to ...

Eyes Wide Open - Component 1

November 05, 2019

A few months back, the team at Hatch worked to put a zine together around the idea of seeing things differently. Here is one of the components I designed in the process. My page focused on how I use running as a way to get out and see...

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Sean Morse