1. Empório 86 - Visual Identity after effect after effects animation brand design brand identity branding branding design emporio gif identity identity design motion motion animation motion design motion graphics motiongraphic motiongraphics ricki sahara visual identity
    View Empório 86 - Visual Identity
    Empório 86 - Visual Identity
  2. Galileo - Visual Identity after effects aftereffects animation brand branding design logo motion motion design motiongraphics ricki sahara social media visual identity
    View Galileo - Visual Identity
    Galileo - Visual Identity
  3. Things to do with chicken aftereffects animation chicken frango gif mograph motion motion design motiongraphics ricki sahara social media videographer videography
    View Things to do with chicken
    Things to do with chicken
  4. New Year after effect aftereffects countdown cuenta regresiva dailymotion digital design feliz ano novo feliz ano novo gif happy new year mograph motion motion design motion designer motiongraphics new year ricki sahara social media
    View New Year
    New Year
  5. Merry Cristmas - Uniq aftereffects cinemagraph digital design feliz natal feliz navidad gif merry christmas merry xmas merrychristmas motion motion design motiongraphics ricki sahara social media
    View Merry Cristmas - Uniq
    Merry Cristmas - Uniq
  6. New Com - Happy New Year aftereffects digital design gif happy new year happynewyear motion motion design motiongraphics ricki sahara social media typogaphy
    View New Com - Happy New Year
    New Com - Happy New Year
  7. Happy New Year - Comerc aftereffects gif happy new year motion motion design motiongraphics ricki sahara social media type typography
    View Happy New Year - Comerc
    Happy New Year - Comerc
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Ricki Sahara