HikeFit — User Persona (UX Design project)

A UX design project to connect people with nature. This project refers to a fitness app design called HikeFit. Made by designers who love hiking on the Pacific Northwest Coast.

Charlotte is the persona that represents the ideal customer of HikeFit. She is single, Canadian living in Vancouver and works in public health. She loves nature but can’t enjoy it due to a motorbike accident that happened 12 years ago and has left her with constant knee pain. She is deeply spiritual, has loads of house plants and two beautiful cats named Felix and Chaplin. Charlotte main goals are: to stand on top of a mountain, enjoy the great outdoors and lose 20lbs.

Check the case study here: https://uxdesign.cc/a-ux-design-project-to-connect-people-with-nature-f361ced663ba

Be here: https://www.behance.net/gallery/83033165/UXUI-Design-Project-for-HikeFit

Portfolio here: https://denisebueno.com/

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