Logo design for Waywest.io | April 2024

Description | Concept

Recently, we recognized that our initial logo wasn't quite in step with the dynamic, curve-centric aesthetic favored in today's digital landscape. Moving beyond overthinking, we've developed a refreshed logo for our family business, Waywest.io, ensuring it resonates with modern sensibilities and market expectations. This new design reflects our commitment to staying contemporary and relevant in a constantly evolving digital space.

To ensure our branding resonates authentically with our audience and reflects practical applications, we have developed a series of mockups that demonstrate the versatility of our brand new logo across different scenarios. These visualizations serve not only to present the logo in situ but also to emphasize its adaptability and coherence in varied contexts—be it digital interfaces, print materials, or physical merchandise. By doing so, we aim to illustrate the seamless integration of our visual identity into the everyday touchpoints of our brand.

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We're not so serious, by the way, so no need for LinkedIn language 🤪

Design, Amazon & Web solutions.

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