User Personas (User Experience)

Client User Persona

As we delve deeper into crafting the ultimate legal assist experience with Legal Ease Mobile App UI, it's crucial to understand the diverse needs and expectations of our users. I introduce you to two pivotal personas driving our design process:

Meet Dr Emmanuel Itodo: A visionary real estate developer based in the vibrant city of Abuja, Nigeria. With a blend of expertise in both medicine and business, Dr. Itodo brings a unique perspective to the world of real estate. Armed with a doctorate in Medicine and a passion for urban development, he is on a mission to reshape the landscape of Abuja, one property at a time.

Vision: Dr. Itodo wants to provide good and affordable housing to people along with all the legal assistance needed.

Challenges/Frustrations: One the major pain points Dr. Itodo faces is finding the right property that is free of any form of legal issues. Also, finding good and experienced lawyers to assist his clients during property documentation process.

Digital Skills: Dr. Itodo is well proficient in using the internet, learning and has good communication skills, but he is an average social media user and knows little about law and legal field.

Lawyer User Persona

Barrister Anita Amadi: Anita is a 27-year-old criminal defense lawyer with a fervent passion for justice and a determination to make a difference, Anita is on a mission to hone her skills and expand her knowledge in the field of law. Eager to learn from seasoned professionals, she seeks opportunities to intern and collaborate with experienced lawyers, recognizing that their guidance and mentorship are invaluable assets on her journey.

Vision: Anita is poised to make a lasting impact in the realm of criminal law, one case at a time.

Challenges/Frustrations: Since Anita is new in the field of criminal defense law and law in general, she is yet do decide on the best law firm that would mentor her in the field. If she must make a lasting impact in criminal law, she must start from learning from the best and most experienced mentors she can get.

Skills: As a young graduate, barrister Anita is well proficient in using the internet, learning, communication and social media, but still have a lot to learn in handling court cases and other responsibilities in law and legal field.

Prototype Screens

Understanding these personas illuminates the diverse perspectives within our user base, guiding us to design solutions that cater to every individual's unique needs. The Legal Ease app is dedicated to fostering meaningful connections between lawyers and clients, revolutionizing the legal landscape one interaction at a time.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey towards legal simplicity with Legal Ease!

You can view the fully interactive prototype (design still in progress on Figma) through the link below:

Legal Ease Figma Prototype

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