Speedy development

Andersen is a modern Agile company in the fullest sense of this world. All our activities are iterative, cost-effective, and purposeful. That is the main idea we wanted to communicate with this image for one of our articles. In it, we discuss how much time it would take to develop a mobile app and describe our approach to the development process.

Thank you Viktoryia for this collaboration.


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To articulate a notion of speed, we chose the theme of travel and tourism apps. Airplanes, maps, and coordinates seem to be a perfect symbol of what we mean.

To highlight the meaning of this image, we used curved lines and a futuristic layout, as they also help us depict speed, action, and altitudes.

Finally, we decided to use a semi-transparent background and cold colors. With them, the resulting image totally matches our main idea. That is, entrusting your mobile app to Andersen means cooperating with a global and effective team, with no waste of time and resources.

Looks good, doesn’t it?

Andersen Design
Attractive & effective design for your products. Hire us!

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